2021 Gift Guide: Health Nut

We all have at least one health nut in our life… you know the one who takes their health VERY seriously and is constantly getting new biohacking tools all the time. I’m sure you don’t know what to get them because their likes and wants are so unique, don’t worry I got you! I either have or want everything on this list, so trust me there is something for your health nut too!

Therasage portable infrared sauna- If your health nut does not already have an infrared sauna BELIEVE ME, they want one. Infrared saunas are amazing for opening drainage pathways, reducing inflammation, boosting the immune system by increasing white blood cell count, and helping the body detox. Plus this therasage sauna is portable, so you can travel with it and don’t have to commit to a full wooden sauna if your loved one has space restrictions!

Sonic slider tuning fork- The sonic slider is my favorite tool for lymphatic drainage. It vibrates at 93.96 Hz which helps it produce noticeable results quickly. Some of the benefits include weight loss, improved muscle tone, reduced inflammation, increased energy, and reduced pain and tension in the body. Give the gift of lymphatic drainage this holiday!

Squatty potty- This is the KEY to a good poop. Pooping posture is a real issue, that’s why “squatting” while going is key to proper elimination. I’ve given the gift of a good poop to more people than I’d like to admit. They will thank you when they are having good poops every single day.

Aku mat- These accupressure mat are amazing for blood flow and and lymph circulation and you can do it from the comfort of your home! This mat is known to reduce inflammation, reduce pain, and promote relaxation. If you don’t have the time or resources to go get acupuncture on a regular basis this is a nice substitution. Since these spikes are made of metals they are a little more intense than most accupressure mats. I highly suggest using it 5 minutes two times a day and working up as your body gets used to the tension. It can feel uncomfortable to lay on this at first so start slow and work your way up!

King coffee- King coffee is exactly what your loved ones will want under the Christmas tree. It’s organic coffee infused with reishi spores that help promote health. A healing coffee? I know you don’t believe it but it has so many amazing properties like being anti inflammatory, modulating the immune system, anti parasitic, balancing blood sugar, and so many more. If you’re going to drink coffee why not have it be the healthiest one in the world?

Beautycounter Clean Dreams Set- These are two of my FAVORITE products for a clean nighttime skincare routine. The overnight resurfacing peel improves skin texture and boosts clarity without irritation or over drying. Over top of that you put the Countertime tripeptide supreme cream which is THE MOST NOURISHING cream I have ever used, it visibly reduces wrinkles and moisturizes the skin. On top of that who wouldn’t like a cute eye mask promoting their clean dreams?

Blublox Hive Red Light- Red Light & Near Infrared Light Therapy has been scientifically proven to have anti-aging effects on our skin, help with neurological disease, fight depression and anxiety, increase fat loss, speed recovery from exercise, improve your sleep, increase strength and endurance, combat some autoimmune conditions, fight hair loss, and speed healing from injury, all with little to no side effects. This is a low EMF dual NiR and red infrared light to really help your loved one focus on healing and relaxing this holiday season.

Good Scents Bath Oil Trio- Give the gift of self care to your loved one this holiday season. The good scents bath oil trio is the gift of total relaxation. These three scents invigorate, clarify, and de-stress will leave the skin soft and hydrated while creating that spa like experience in the bath. With 3 different scents, there is something that everyone will love in this trio.

Blublox Sleep+ Glasses- I know your health nut is constantly trying to optimize their sleep. If they don’t already have Blublox sleep glasses they will be ELATED you got them these. Blublox is one of the few companies who uses science when creating their blue light blocking products. 2022 is the year of optimizing our sleep and living our best lives.

Primally Pure Starter Kit- The starter kit includes everything you need to make the switch to safer personal care products! You get one of their famous deodorants, which is my personal favorite, along with 3 lip balms, a body butter, and an everything spray! I know how overwhelming it can be to switch to safer skincare products and now it doesn’t have to be! This set has everything you need to get started.

Ned ‘tis the Zzz-eason bundle- This bundle by Ned is the KEY to sleeping well even with all the stress this holiday season. Ned sleep blend is literally the best thing I have ever taken for my sleep, it’s a blend of CBN and other herbs that promote deep sleep. Paired with their Magnesium, which I promise is AMAZING and also will knock you out, you won’t have another bad sleep ever again. Plus this is all paired with a cute glass travel bottle. Use code ROOTED15 for 15% off of your Ned order this holiday season!

Mandate Vegetables Tee- After all of the wildness going on in the world this year I’m sure your beloved health nut has said more than once that vegetables should be mandated and we need to focus on our natural immune health! Let them wear their love of vegetables on their shirt this holiday season!

Primally Pure dry brush duo- This set comes with a body dry brush and a facial dry brush all in one cute little package! Dry brushing helps promote lymph flow and softens the skin. I personally love dry brushing every day to help out my lymphatic drainage pathway. Plus if you use code ROOTED10 you can get 10% off of your Primally Pure order this holiday season.

TheraProtect EMF Home Protection- Does your loved one want to reduce their EMFs? If they are a health nut is that even a question? We are constantly exposed to EMFs every day and they have been known to mess with our nervous system. It is key to turn off the WiFi when not using it and use things like this EMF home protection so that they have less of an effect on our health!