5 Reasons You Need More Beach Time


Personally, I don’t need another reason to go to the beach, I would literally spend every waking second there if I could. But if you’re trying to convince your family/friends/significant other that the beach is the way to go for your summer vacation I can help you out. Have you ever realized how relaxed you are when you’re at the beach, and how your sleep is somehow always better there? Yes part of it can be attributed to being on vacation, but there are also multiple health benefits from the beach that you may not even know about! So no I was not joking when I said that more beach time can benefit your health!! And here is why…

5 reasons more beach time will benefit your health:

    Almost half of the population in the US is vitamin D deficient due to our increasingly reclusive lives. Vitamin D is so helpful for increasing our immunity along with increasing the amount of serotonin (the neurotransmitter responsible for happy feelings) produced in our bodies. The average adult only needs about 20 minutes in the sun every day to receive adequate Vitamin D. Plus you cannot get an excess of Vitamin D from the sun- when this starts to happen your body will adapt and send the excess vitamin to your skin so that you get a tan(or burn) and don’t have toxic levels of Vitamin D in your body. So get outside and soak up your vitamins 🌞

    The ocean is full of minerals like magnesium, zinc, and potassium. These minerals are so important for our daily functions and we may even be deficient in some of them(magnesium) due to inadequate representation in our diet. Not only do they decrease stress, some of them even promote restful sleep (magnesium)!

    Our bodies are made to be awake during the day and asleep at night, but with technology and advancements so many of us go against that. Grounding, putting your feet/body physically into the ground, helps your body get back to its natural circadian rhythm and produce cortisol during the day and melatonin at night.

    It’s suggested that up to 75% of Americans aren’t receiving enough magnesium on a daily basis! Plus magnesium is important for regulating blood pressure and keeping bones strong! So go out and play in the sand- it’s actually good for you!

    We achieve optimal health when we find a balance between a healthy amount of stress and reducing our stress. Reduction of stress will decrease the inflammation in your body, promote better sleep, and help balance out your hormones. So while all these vitamins and minerals your body is receiving from the beach are amazing- the best benefit of all may be your stress reduction!

    So go show this to whoever you’re trying to convince to take a beach trip and thank me later. Now go to the beach and get started on improving your health! 🌞