How full is your toxin bucket?

Were you given a diagnosis then told there is no cure but that you can only learn to manage symptoms?

I’ll let you in on a secret- it’s not true!

All diagnoses come down to toxin overburden. The body got there in the first place because it was taking on toxins faster than it could get rid of them, thus causing the toxin bucket to overflow. When that toxin bucket overflows is when you start to see the symptoms appear. That’s when you seek out a diagnosis to explain what the heck is going on.

We still must ask ourselves WHY did we get this issue? Once we remove the underlying toxicities that are present, that’s when the body can fully heal and those health issues will go away.

We often associate getting sick with the “straw that broke the camel’s back” moment. But the truth is that your body just could not handle one more thing because the toxin bucket was overflowing. That last round of antibiotics is not your root cause- it was just the tipping point!

But you’re like no no that can’t be me, I “eat healthy” and exercise etc. but do you continue to have reoccurring health issues regardless of what you do??

Every year the average American is exposed to thousands of toxins!Whether that be through your personal care products, household cleaners, or your water!!

Overflow of your toxin bucket could result in:

Chronic illness, hormone imbalance, gut infections, skin issues, autoimmune conditions, parasites, viruses, or mold illness just to name a few

If you keep trying to address the symptoms but your toxin bucket is still too full- the issues will just keep coming back.

Small steps to reduce your toxin load:

  • Drink filtered water

  • Eat organic food when possible

  • Make the switch to nontoxic personal care products

  • Eat a diet of mostly real, whole, unprocessed foods

  • Use nontoxic household cleaners

  • Get ceramic, stainless steal, or cast iron pans

  • Reduce the negative people from your life

  • Address the root cause of your underlying issues

I know this sounds like a lot, but it doesn’t need to be done all at once! Any progress is good progress so one thing at a time!

Reducing your toxin load is the FIRST step in taking your health back and healing once and for all!

How have you started to reduce your toxin load?