Drainage: The first step in any good detox protocol

Are you working to heal your gut by removing a bacterial overgrowth or toxicity?


Too often people do “detox” protocols to rid their body of Candida, SIBO, mold, heavy metals, or any other slew of health issues, but forget to open their detox pathways.

If you are constantly killing off pathogens and bacteria but the drainage pathways are closed off they have no where to go. Those pathogens will then recirculate back into your body instead of exit like intended.

The drainage pathways are the body’s built in way to excrete toxins. We have 5 main pathways that form a drainage funnel.

They make up a funnel because you start at the bottom and work your way up to the top. If any point of the funnel has blockages, then there will be upstream impacts and the rest of the funnel will struggle to drain.

What are the detox pathways and how do I know if I’m not detoxing properly?

  1. Colon- Are you pooping 2-3 times a day?

  2. Liver & bile ducts- Are you sensitive to caffeine/alcohol? Do you struggle digesting fat/fat makes you nauseous?

  3. Lymphatic system- Do you have cellulite? Or do you barely sweat?

  4. Organs & tissues- Do you get brain fog? Do you have consistent energy through the day?

  5. Cells- Do you have an accumulation of any of the above issues?

What can you do to help your body with some of these issues?


Cellcore protocol phase 1- Phase 1 of their protocol focuses on drainage and mitochondrial function to help your body address drainage before even removing any pathogens. Ensuring these pathways are open is key to ensure you’ll see success on your protocol.

I start every client I see on drainage first before we even get into the killing phase, this ensures that you minimize detox reactions and your body is properly excreting all of the toxins that you are working to release!!

Also a huge note: Continue to support drainage throughout your entire protocol. Those drainage pathways are doing a lot of work to help to expel whatever is not supposed to be in your body!

Want to try Cellcore? Send me a message or leave me a comment! Let’s chat about it.