2019 in Review

2019 in review

2019 has been a transformative year for me to say the least. I have done more than I ever thought possible in one year and I couldn’t be happier that I’ve finally decided to do things that fuel me up and worry less about others. In one year I…

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  • Hired an NTP to help me focus on my health

  • Took multiple group fitness certifications

  • Graduated yoga teacher training

  • Started teaching fitness classes

  • Let myself rest

  • Finished my health coach certification 

  • Went on my first ever retreat

  • Met instagram friends in real life

  • Started taking on health coaching clients

  • Invested in my emotional health

  • Joined beautycounter

  • Quit my fitness jobs

  • Moved in by myself

  • Launched my blog

So as you can see 2019 has been a big year for me. It’s been a year full of falling down, picking myself back up, and trying new things. Yes not everything went as expected but I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I’ve learned more than I ever could’ve imagined but it all boils down to 10 main lessons.

2019 in review

10 lessons I’ve learned in this past year:

2019 in review
  1. Make yourself vulnerable - people will appreciate it more than you realize. Every time I’ve made myself vulnerable in this past year I’ve connected with people in ways I never would’ve realized was possible.

  2. Have some sort of spirituality practice! Just sitting down and having a place to clear my mind for 10 minutes a day has been super important to me. For me it’s meditating that helps me stay grounded when life gets crazy!

  3. The messages you’re sending out to the universe are so important! For example I was keeping a coaching job that I hated because it paid better than any other coaching job and I liked the side money. I was limiting myself thinking that this job was the only one that would ever pay like this. Once I released that belief I found another job that pays the same that I’m so excited about!

  4. Take the leap before you’re ready - if it terrifies you, do it! I’ve done so much of this in this past year and I couldn’t be happier with the outcomes, yes things may not always play out the way is hoped but at least I always know that I tried and I don’t have doubts about ‘what if’.

  5. Your energy attracts everything in your life! It’s okay to feel down and low vibe on occasion but don’t let it last, if you are positive with high energy more positive high energy things will come into your life. The power of energy is so real!

  6. Seek out help - it’s so easy to want to do everything on your own but there is nothing wrong in asking for help. People will want to help you the same way that you don’t want to do everything by yourself.

  7. Let yourself rest - constant activity while fun always leads to burnout. As much as I like to think I can do anything and everything, I need rest just like anyone to recover. I took a break this past summer from any side projects besides teaching fitness classes twice a week and it was the reset I needed before diving back into passion projects.

  8. Do more of what you want, not what others expect of you - I was teaching many fitness classes a week and I hated most of them, but I didn’t want to quit because I had worked so hard to get these jobs and wanted them so bad at one point. I also was afraid to let my bosses down. I needed to release this internal expectation and just 

  9. Take time to be by yourself - Throughout life’s chaos, it’s so important to have time to reflect on your own. While it’s important to have close people to confide in, it’s just as important to sit by yourself and sort out your thoughts and feelings on your own. Living alone has been so helpful for me in this way since I am around people all day, I truly value my alone time to decompress and reflect on my day.

  10. Prioritize your health - that was my main goal at the beginning of 2019. This past year I worked with an NTP and did the appropriate testing in order to heal my gut and it was worth every single penny. After four months of work I feel better than I have in years and all I had to do was invest in myself and find the right practitioner for me.