6 Tips For Setting Goals

I never used be a New Years resolution kind of person. I didn’t have much that I was striving for besides a comfortable life, and New Year’s Eve was just another night to get drunk with my friends. Flash forward to last year and I’ve been trying to achieve much more than ever in my life, both personal and professional. I am on the upswing of starting two businesses, coach fitness classes, and try to balance some of a social life.

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I switched my life from just hoping things would happen for me “the way they were meant to” to seeking out opportunities in order to figure out what is right for me. While I still believe what’s meant to be will be, I also think you’ll find it much faster and learn about what’s not meant for you as you go along if you try things before you’re ready. And for me, it all started last New Years.

6 Tips For Setting Goals

So you bet I started 2019 with some New Years intentions as I like to call them, and while I didn’t achieve every single thing on that list I did achieve about 75% of what I wanted to. I personally love the ritual of sitting down and setting goals, and whatever gets you to sit down and do that regardless of the date sounds like a good start to me! Yes I think the new year is a bit of an arbitrary date to goal set but if it works for you it works for you! I believe that any day is a good opportunity to make a change to your life, whether that be big or small. For me last year I wanted to turn over a new leaf, I was newly sober and wanted to focus on my personal growth so I decided I was going to set New Years intentions along with monthly intentions. Let me tell you, checking in every month made all the difference for me. I was able to make smaller, more attainable goals that would lead to my bigger yearly goals. I also was able to check in on if I still wanted the same things as the month before and if so how to make changes this month so that I can make things happen. So if you’re looking to start goal/intention setting in 2020 here are a few tips for you I’ve learned over this past year!

Goal setting tips:

  1. Make your goals measurable, something you can cross off of your list so that you can tell if you’ve achieved it or not.

  2. Make your goals specific, really hone in on exactly what it is that you want so you can take steps towards achieving them.

  3. Tap into how each of these will make you feel once you’ve achieved them, this is you showing the universe that you’re ready to receive.

  4. If you’re making goals monthly, check in each month to see what you’ve accomplished. Let yourself celebrate the accomplishments, and if you’re writing the same goal month after month think about if you need to change how you’re trying to achieve this goal. Maybe try a different tactic than you have before.

  5. Write your goals down, there is power in putting pen to paper.

  6. Keep your list of goals under 10 so you can really focus on them and on how to go about reaching them.

Happy goal setting :)