My Mold Journey

This post is not containing any medical advice only what worked for me along my journey with mold toxicity. Also these photos are about 1/3 of what my rash was at its worst. I was in too bad of a headspace to take pictures of my skin when it was at its worst.


Right before the pandemic started, I broke out in an eczematous rash. It started small but it slowly started to take over my body inch by inch. I went to a dermatologist to make sure it was not infected and they gave me an antibiotic cream for my skin. I used the antibiotic cream since it was the only thing to offer me any relief. But it simply wasn’t good enough.

I know that eczema is an issue of the gut/liver manifesting itself onto the skin. But I had just gotten done doing a full gut protocol with one of the best NTPs out there so I wasn’t sure what more to do about my gut. I cut out every food I was sensitive with and started another Candida protocol and somehow my skin was still getting worse by the day.

It got so bad that it became uncomfortable to put clothes on, which is when the pandemic hit so I was eternally grateful for the extended quarantine. I thought that the time inside with little clothing to irritate my skin would be the perfect thing to heal me. Yet again, I was wrong, my skin continued to get worse and slowly took over my body.

Eventually, I had had enough and took to muscle testing by a friend to figure out what was going on inside of my body. She said it was mold and apparently it was from my environment. As much as I didn’t want to hear that because we were in quarantine and I literally had no where else to go, I was grateful for an answer.

My first course of action was to leave my current apartment, my now boyfriend’s roommate had just moved out so he offered to let me move in until I healed. Fortunately for me he had an extra bedroom and I could stay there for 2 months until my lease was up and I could move into my own mold free apartment.


After lots of research, asking colleagues and friends about their mold journey, I came upon Dr. Pompa’s True Cellular Detox. While it is expensive, I literally had nothing to lose. If you don’t have your health you have nothing and I seriously felt like I had nothing. I believe Dr. Pompa’s TCD was worth every penny. Personally, I believe it is what healed me in addition to moving our of my moldy apartment. Yes I did a plethora of things at the time to really kickstart my healing but I believe these supplements were what really helped my skin clear up which was the first step in my healing from mold.

This journey was not an easy one, yes I was grateful to finally find an answer with Dr. Pompa’s program but it took me about 2-3 months to fully see my skin clear up. Almost every day I broke down crying because I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror without feeling ashamed and upset at my current situation. I also had to have tremendous faith in God that everything was happening for a reason and that my healing would come when it was time. Even when I couldn’t see the difference of my skin as days went by I still had faith that the rest of the protocol would bring healing for me and that as time went on I would continue to get better.

I know as well as anyone that one of the major keys to healing anything is getting enough sleep. When you sleep your cells regenerate, your brain dumps toxins , and your liver filters blood and processed chemicals between the hours of 1-3AM. However, my rash was literally keeping my awake, I was so uncomfortable in every position and the constant itching was inhibiting my ability to fall asleep. One of the most pivotal things for me was self medicating to sleep through the night. I used multiple adaptogens along with CBD and THC to help myself sleep without waking every hour.

Even on days when I felt helpless, I told myself that tomorrow would be better and I would be one step closer to healing. I am so lucky to have such an amazing and supportive partner. At the time we were roommates but he was the most amazing person I could have ever hoped for in my corner. He would just support me when I broke down, while telling me things were looking better and they would continue to get better. He also cooked for me when I didn’t have the energy to do anything. He did anything and everything in his power to support my healing. When you’re dealing with something as emotionally draining as a full body rash, having people in your corner is key.

The keys to my healing were:

  • Dr. Pompa’s True Cellular Detox- did not fully heal me but it TRULY was a huge step in the right direction to aid my body in detox.

  • Extra liver support in the form of alpha lipoic acid, selenium, and sillymarin

  • An anti inflammatory diet with nightshades and eggs removed (triggers for me based on trial and error)

  • Increased lymphatic drainage (sweating daily, epsom salt baths, dry brushing, and rebounding)

  • Beautycounter Countermatch Adaptive Body Moisturizer- this was truly the only lotion that offered my skin any relief. While it didn’t get rid of my eczema it was the one thing that didn’t make it worse and made the itching subside for short periods of time

  • Beautycounter Body Wash- Again one of the few things that offered any relief to my skin. Every other body wash or soap burned my skin since they were open wounds.

  • Sleeping at least 7 hours every night.

  • De-stressing and truly letting my body relax. Since we were in quarantine that was easy since I only had to worry about my 8-5 job and everything else was pretty much cancelled.

Whatever you are dealing with, don’t stop until you get to the root cause of your health issues. It may be SO DIFFICULT and take longer than you thought, but keep going until you find that right practitioner or protocol to help you along your way. No matter how bad it gets never lose the faith that YOU CAN HEAL. Never lose faith in the fact that you can get to the bottom of your health issues and fix them once and for all, every day is one step closer to healing.

If you are looking for someone to help you test using functional medicine labs so that you can figure out EXACTLY what is going on in your body to fix it from the inside out send me a message. Let’s work together to help you heal once and for all.